
Holy Fire Reiki

Holy Fire Reiki services offered in Los Angeles, CA

Reiki is an alternative method of healing which promotes a deep level of relaxation and can bring the body back into balance and harmony. When we are relaxed, the levels of stress are reduced, and this gives the body what it needs in order to heal. With Reiki, an environment is created of comfort and support where one can more easily release fears, worries, traumas and pain. When receiving a Reiki session, a feeling of warmth and energy comes from the practitioner’s hands.

Holy Fire Reiki was introduced by William Rand in January of 2014. It creates wholeness through purification, empowerment, healing, and guidance. It is a new form of energy that is more refined and comes from a higher level of consciousness. People are always learning, evolving, and growing, and the world is evolving and growing as well, so it only makes sense that the Reiki energy has also evolved and grown with the introduction of Holy Fire Reiki.